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Editorial cooperation: Sound Studies - Positionen, No. 86 (2011)

The first printed publication of the network is out (in german language): the journal Positionen – Texte zur aktuellen Musik invited us to contribute to their latest exploration of the developments and findings in the field of sound and auditory culture.

Beginning last summer we conceptualized a series of polemics, reviews, overviews, and even a compressed analysis of the state of research in the sound studies. We hope that our editorial cooperation for this issue of the Positionen serves as a good start to promote the exchange between the german and the international discussion – and that it can be helpful for researchers and scholars, students and teachers in the field of auditory research.

Our contributions are:

Holger Schulze, Jens Gerrit Papenburg & Maria Hanáček:
Sound in Media Culture. Porträt eines internationalen Forschungsnetzwerkes


Musik Vs. Sound. Fünf Polemiken

1. Maria Hanáček:

2. Veit Erlmann:
Päng. Ein Interview

3. Holger Schulze:
Zwei Formationen

4. Rolf Großmann:

5. Diedrich Diederichsen:
Sound – Musik – Pop – Musik


Jens Gerrit Papenburg & Holger Schulze:
Fünf Begriffe des Klangs. Disziplinierungen und Verdichtungen der Sound Studies

Holger Schulze:
»The train is already running« SoundActs: Conference on Sound Studies

1 comment to Editorial cooperation: Sound Studies – Positionen, No. 86 (2011)

  • martagq

    Hi Holger,

    congratulations to you, and Maria, Rolf, Jens, Diedrich…! The issue seems really interesting.
    I have seen that it can be ordered online as .pdf, which is great.

    Very best wishes,


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