Holger Schulze (b. 1970; director of the research network) is visiting professor for Sound Studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and associate professor for Historical Anthropology of Sound at the Universität der Künste Berlin. He is founder and principal investigator of the ‘Sound Studies Lab’ (funded by the German Research Foudnation DFG) and he is currently leading the international group of researchers at the ‘Nordic Research Network for Sound Studies’. He co-founded the postgraduate MA-programme Sound Studies at the Universität der Künste Berlin in 2000; from 2006-2009 he was the first Head of Department and a visiting professor in Anthropology and Ecology of Sound. In 2008 he founded the book series ‘Sound Studies’ at the publisher transcript Verlag in Bielefeld. From 1995-2006 he worked on and published a three-volume study on generative principles in literature, the arts and design called ‘Theorie der Werkgenese: The Aleatoric Game (vol.1); Heuristic (vol.2); Intimacy and Mediality (vol.3)’. He is a member of the Interdisciplinary Center for Historical Anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin and co-editor of the International Journal in Historical Anthropology: Paragrana.
Selected Publications:
Schulze, Holger (2012) Gespür – Empfindung – Kleine Wahrnehmungen. Klanganthropologische Studien. transcript Verlag Bielefeld (Sound Studies Volume 3).
Schulze, Holger (2008) Sound Studies: Traditionen – Methoden – Desiderate. Eine Einführung. transcript Verlag Bielefeld (Sound Studies Volume 1).
Schulze, Holger (Hg.) (2007) Klanganthropologie. Performativität – Imagination – Narration. Paragrana 16 (2007), H. 2, Akademie Verlag Berlin (with Christoph Wulf).
Email: schulze[at]soundstudieslab.org
Website: http://www.soundstudieslab.org
Maria Hanáček (1981-2013) studied Musicology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Communications Research at Technische Universität Berlin from 2002-2005. From 2005-2006 she was a visiting scholar at UCLA’s Musicology and Ethnomusicology Department and in 2007 received her MA in Popular Music Studies from the University of Liverpool. Since 2008 she has been a doctoral candidate at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where she teaches seminars on music technology and popular music studies. The foundation of this research network is also related to her MA thesis ‘Sound as an Aesthetic Dimension: Rock Music and Material Aesthetic Judgments’. She’s a member of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) and the Association for the Study of the Art of Record Production (ASARP).
Selected Publications:
Schulze, Holger, Jens Gerrit Papenburg and Maria Hanáček (2011) Sound in Media Culture: Portrait eines internationalen Forschernetzwerkes. Positionen. Texte zur aktuellen Musik, No. 86 Sound Studies, pp. 2-4.
Hanáček, Maria, Veit Erlmann, Rolf Großmann et al. (2011) Musik oder Sound? Positionen. Texte zur aktuellen Musik, No. 86 Sound Studies, pp. 5-9.
Hanáček, Maria (2008) Das Sonische als Gegenstand der Ästhetik. PopScriptum, No. 10 Das Sonische: Sounds zwischen Akustik und Ästhetik. [Internet]. Available from:
http://www2.hu-berlin.de/fpm/popscrip/themen/pst10/Hanacek.htm [Accessed 15 March 2010].
Email: maria.hanacek[at]hu-berlin.de
Website: http://www2.hu-berlin.de/fpm/phD_candidates/index_e.html
Jens Gerrit Papenburg (b. 1976) is a research associate and lecturer at the chair of the theory and history of popular music at Humboldt University Berlin. He received his PhD from Humboldt University Berlin for the thesis “Hörgeräte: Technisierung der Wahrnehmung durch Rock- und Popmusik” [Listening Devices. Technologization of Perception through Rock and Pop Music]. He is currently working on a postdoctorate research project about a cultural and media history of the “para-auditive” dimension of popular music’s sound, 1890-1940. He is the sound review editor of the journal Sound Studies (Routledge) and a member of the advisory board of IASPM-DACH.
Selected Publications:
Papenburg, Jens Gerrit (2015) “Synkopierte Moderne. Populäre ‘afroamerikanische’ Musikformen in Revue und Operette, Berlin/Wien 1900-1925” in: Brandl-Risi, Bettina, Risi, Clemens, Komische Oper Berlin (Hg.): Kunst der Oberfläche. Operette zwischen Bravour und Banalität. Leipzig: Henschel, pp. 70-87.
Papenburg, Jens Gerrit (2014) “”A Great Idia After the Fact’. Das Erfinden der Maxsingle in der New Yorker Discokultur der 1970er Jahre” . in: Mrozek, Bodo, Geisthövel, Alexa, Danyel, Jürgen (Hg.): Popgeschichte schreiben. Fallstudien. Bielfeld: transcript, pp. 179-198.
Papenburg, Jens Gerrit (2013) “Soundfile. Kultur und Ästhetik einer Hörtechnologie”, Pop. Kultur und Kritik (2), pp. 140-155.
Email: jens.papenburg[at]gmx.net
Website: http://www2.hu-berlin.de/fpm/staff/papenburgbio.htm