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MAY 11, 2012: Public Symposion in Lüneburg: New Technologies – New Sound Practices

A Public Symposion at Freiraum Lüneburg on the occasion of the 5th Workshop of the International Research Network

funded by the German Research Foundation DFG and Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Friday May 11, 2012

4.30pm – 8pm

Freiraum Lüneburg
Salzstraße 1 [entry Auf der Altstadt]
21335 Lüneburg



How do new technologies shape the way we conceptualize, produce, and listen to sound?

How do these new sound practices affect notions like instrument, performance, and playing?

Together with the British sound researchers Steve Goodman („Sonic Warfare“, 2009) and Julian Henriques („Sonic Bodies“, 2011), we want to focus on the interrelationship between sound technologies, sound practices, and sound theories.

A panel discussion with Mark Butler („Unlocking the Groove“, 2006) and Paul Théberge („Any Sound You Can Imagine“, 1997) alongside Goodman and Henriques is followed by a performance on cello, wiimote, computer, and turntables with Sutsche & Fello (Pingipung Records, Hamburg).

Steve Goodman
Julian Henriques
Mark Butler
Paul Théberge
Jochen Bonz
Michael Bull
Veit Erlmann
Franco Fabbri
Golo Föllmer
Marta García Quiñones
Rolf Großmann
Maria Hanáček
Carla Müller-Schulzke
Carlo Nardi
Thomas Schopp
Holger Schulze

Performance by Sutsche & Fello

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